You will see me using this oft feminist-infuriating word liberally. That’s because I do not believe it to be a bad thing. Certainly there are cases of men doing bad things in the world. But women are no exception when it comes to bad behaviour.

The word “Patriarch” – as far as I’m concerned – means a balanced male leader. A man who has evolved through the necessary stages of dependence and self-involvement, to become truly inter-dependent with those around him. Independent enough to be objective, whilst recognising how dependent we all are on one another.

Now this is surely quite the different image of the word as we popularly hear it used.

Patriarch as Provider

Perhaps we can be a little more triggering here too… Men of this kind, should be in charge! Of what? Of resources, of people, of the direction of travel for their community. But NOT without the endorcement of that community. Patriarchs – in their correct role – provide structure for their family. They demonstrate – through Good action – what is Right and what is Wrong behaviour. They work to provide the physical structures that make their families safe too.

As you can see, I’m painting a picture of a morally-sound provider. Quite a traditional view, which I know can be unpopular with the Wokerati.

Western Society is Lacking Strong Leadership and Structure

The world is in a pickle, not because men have been adopting this role. But because they haven’t. For a very long time. Those who might appear to be holding these roles, have spent the better part of their days scheming about how they can meet their own needs, instead of responding to the needs presented to them from the rest of life, day-to-day.

It is this lack of morality and sound governance of resources that is tearing our society apart.

We need men to be more willing to stand for what is right and provide the necessary structures upon which progress truly relies. Will you be one of them? Book A Quick Call for help making that decision.

Day-to-day Structure at Home & Work

As a father, the need to create structure around key daily events (e.g. meal times) and learning are particularly important to me. But actioning this is easier said than done, when there are different schedules between parents and the children are at different ages and stages in their development. I find that I am regularly struck with the need to create order, followed shortly afterwards by the need to let it go and let life flow. This is the case at work also.

This is at times extremely frustrating as I (perhaps because I’m male) like my life to be orderly. But having pushed myself to maintain a rigid schedule with no room for sponteneity, I learned how destructive that tendency can be. Luckily, I’m also interested in results. If structure doesn’t get the right results, it’s not the right way to approach the challenge.

However, there’s also a need for those who would be impacted by the structrue we provide to be on board with it. It cannot be imposed without reason. There needs to be trust in the direction of travel set by those bringing structure too. So clear goals and outcomes – communicated suitably for the audience – are critical.

In times when providing structure for others isn’t realistic, providing more structure for self can be beneficial. In terms of how finances are managed, morning and evening routines, keeping on top of the house. This all has a positive effect on those around us and makes it more likely that healthy structure will be welcomed by them.

If you would like to start creating that structure for yourself so that you might create orderly ripples around you, Book a Quick Call.