The Works of Arthur H Norris Volume One by Richard Abbot of the Hermitage Development Centre in Northamptonshire contains valuable insight into living well. A crucial aspect of this is recognizing and applying Universal Truth – things that are always true, in every situation. These few, but essential truths, provide the foundation for a life built on certainty, rather than assumptions and theories. It’s the difference between building your house on solid ground or sand.

Truth Number 1: We are all different

Each individual is unique in their own way, and it’s important to recognize and celebrate these differences. From physical traits such as eye color, fingerprints, hair, skin, and DNA to personality traits, each of us is one of a kind. Comparing yourself to others only creates a false sense of inadequacy or superiority, depending on which way the comparison goes. Accepting and appreciating differences is key to building healthy relationships and a fulfilling life.

Truth Number 2: The only constant is change

Change is inevitable and the only thing that we can truly rely on. Trying to resist or avoid change only leads to frustration and stagnation. From personal growth to global events, change is an essential part of life. However, it’s not always easy to embrace change, especially when it challenges our beliefs or disrupts our routines. Religion, tradition, and cultural norms can also create resistance to change, leading to a lack of progress and evolution. To learn and grow, we must accept and encourage change, even when it’s uncomfortable.

Truth Number 3: Your worst enemy is always yourself

We all have a “dark side” that can lead us down destructive paths if left unchecked. Recognizing and controlling our negative tendencies is essential to living a balanced and fulfilling life. No one is exempt from this inner struggle, but by acknowledging and addressing it, we can prevent it from controlling our lives. When we make mistakes or fall victim to our negative tendencies, it’s important to learn from the experience and move forward.

Truth Number 4: Nothing of worth comes easily

Achieving our goals and dreams requires hard work, dedication, and persistence. There are no shortcuts or easy solutions, despite what some may promise. The challenges and obstacles we face along the way are what make our accomplishments meaningful and worthwhile. It’s important to avoid wasting time and energy on “get rich quick” schemes or unrealistic expectations. Instead, focus on building a solid foundation of knowledge, skills, and relationships that will support your long-term goals.

Truth Number 5: Nothing is free though the price is not always financial

Everything we receive, whether from others or the world around us, comes at a cost. It’s important to be aware of these costs, whether they are financial or not. Depending on others, whether it’s family, friends, employers, or the government, can also come with hidden costs. Recognizing and being responsible for these costs is key to building healthy relationships and avoiding unnecessary dependencies.

Truth Number 6: Without inner development you can only be half, but with inner development you can become whole

The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, one for the material world and one for the non-material world. To live a balanced and fulfilling life, we need to develop both sides of our brains, not just the material side. Women tend to use both sides more naturally and readily than men, but with practice and intention, anyone can develop their non-material side. Inner development, such as meditation, self-reflection, and spiritual practices, can help us connect to our inner selves and the world around us, leading to greater fulfillment and purpose.

Truth Number 7: Truth exists. It is simple obvious and feels right.

Truth is uncomplicated and often seems self-evident. However, outside influences such as media, advertising, and social norms can cause us to disregard the truth in favor of what others want us to believe. It’s important to listen to our own intuition and inner guidance, rather than relying solely on external sources of information. When we recognize and follow our own truth, we can live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Truth Number 8: A measure of maturity is essential for personal and spiritual development

Wisdom comes with experience and learning. It’s important to recognize that true maturity is essential for personal and spiritual development. A person who is mature will be able to make sound decisions and exercise good judgment. They have learned to be patient, humble, and respectful. It’s essential to acknowledge the significance of learning in becoming wise. Wisdom cannot be taught but is rather earned through experience, learning, and self-reflection. It is something that can be attained by all, but it is only through the dedication and willingness to grow that one can achieve true maturity.

Truth Number 9: If shown where to find truth you are being guided. If asked to believe, trust, or have faith then you are being conned.

Knowing comes from within. Beliefs come from others. Many answers are personal and individual. Aside from universal truths, what is for others may not be for you. There are times when we may be searching for answers outside ourselves, when in reality, the answers are within. The only way to recognize this is by being truthful with oneself and seeking guidance from within. It’s important to recognize that just because others believe in something, it doesn’t mean it is the truth for you. A person who is authentic and honest with themselves can gain insight into their own beliefs and values.

Truth Number 10: When helping others, always do so within the pattern of your own Destiny.

There is no other way for you but your way. To try any other way is to receive and deliver a full measure of unhappiness. It is good enough to be who you are. Never be just a do-gooder. By itself, it isn’t enough. When helping others, it’s essential to recognize that it’s not about living someone else’s life, but about empowering them to live their own. Everyone has their own path in life, and it’s important to respect that. A person who understands this will be able to guide and support others without imposing their own beliefs or values. Helping others in this way can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.